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Popular questions about our solar farms

We are here to assist you with any queries you may have about our solar farms and will help you understand how it functions.

Solar farms help reduce the pressure and dependence on natural fossil fuels that are slowly getting depleted with overuse and exploitation. These solar farms provide an alternate and renewable source of energy that will protect these natural resources.

Solar panels use the semiconductor material silicone that traps the sun’s rays and converts them into electrons. These electrons move across the panels and create an electric current that is converted into alternating current for distribution to homes and offices.

No, solar panels do not need water or any other natural resource to keep running. This helps preserve the water table and prevents it from getting depleted and overused by traditional coal-based power plants across Australia.

Solar farms may be expensive to set up but in the long run they will be more cost-effective and efficient as they help reduce electricity bills and power dependence in the long run. These solar farms also have the sun’s infinite rays and thus can never get depleted.

Solar farms can run using photovoltaic panels that trap the sun’s rays and convert it into electricity. These farms can also use mirrors and lenses to direct the sun’s rays onto an area and generate heat that can then be converted into electricity.

General questions

If you want to know how our solar farms function and how we convert the sun’s rays into electricity, you can read on below.

Solar panels do not produce any toxic pollutants or greenhouse gases and thus help protect the ecosystem and environment and keep our society and public health in good shape.

There are two types of solar panels used in solar farms: monocrystalline solar panels that use a single crystal of silicon and polycrystalline solar panels that use multiple crystals of silicon.

The current efficiency rate of solar panels stands at 20% which means solar panels trap and convert almost 20% of the sun’s rays and turn them into electrical energy.

Solar farms have one big advantage as they can be built on any kind of land whether it is unused or deserted as it does not need any natural resources to run it.

Solar farms are fast growing to become one of the biggest renewable sources of energy across Australia as it helps create a more sustainable future with less dependence on natural resources.